Friday, November 29, 2019

Curry lentil soup with shoestring potatoes

What a wonderful soiree it was! Our German friend Nik came over and we cooked a special dish I got from here:
I chooped an onion and a leek and fried them in a pan with olive oil from Antequera (Málaga), adding a bay leave for extra flavour and aroma. Then I added a cup of lentils and a spoon of curry, kept frying, added water and cooked for 25 minutes. I took out the bay leave and poued the content of the pan in a blender, prooceeded to blend it all, and then strained it with a colander.
In another pan I fried some potatoes that I peeled and chopped before to the perfect size, until they got brown and I sprinkled them with salt.
In a little bowl I mixed with a spoon some olive oil, salt and a spoon of Spanish paprika from Novelda (Alicante).
I served the dish on deep bowls lentil cream first, planted vertical fries and poured on the red oil and chopped parsley.
Spectacular creamy, smoky and savory mix to enjoy with wonderful wines from Spain.

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