Saturday, July 7, 2012

Creme brulee ice cream (helado de crema catalana)

Basically I made a creme brulee with this recipe from the Catalan TV:
I boiled in a pot 3/4 liters of milk with a cinnamon stick and a lemon rind. Just when it started boiling, I took it out of the fire and strained it. In a bowl I mixed to a paste 7 egg yolks and 200 grams of sugar (0.89 cup). Little by little I poured the strained milk into the bowl. I boiled the contents of the bowl slowly in a double saucepan or bain marie. After stirring it for a while I poured the creme brulee into another bowl and set it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then I added about 3/4 cup of heavy whipping cream and refrigerated the mix for a couple of hours. In a pan I heated some honey and a little bit of water and lightly caramelized half a cup of walnuts, letting them cool off in the refrigerator for 1 hour. I poured the mix into the ice cream maker for 25 minutes, and during the last 5 I sprinkled the caramelized walnuts inside.
The result tasted a little bit like meringue milk and had the eggy taste and texture of creme brulee. It was slightly less creamy than the normal ice creams I make but it was quite refreshing for the summer, original and well balanced as a dessert. Worthy of seconds, I will cook it again for sure this summer.

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