Thursday, August 4, 2011

Potato omelette (tortilla de papas)

One evening last week I made this classic of Spanish cuisine, the tortilla de patatas or de papas as many of us call it.
I started peeling  6 or 7 small Texas red potatoes (Muleshoe brand), washed them and cut them in small pieces. Then I peeled a white onion and also chopped it the same way. In a large pan I started heating some Spanish olive oil and fried both the potatoes and the onion. After they looked golden I took them out and drained the oil. In a small bowl I beat 6 eggs and then poured onto the potatoes and onions and added a little bit of sea salt. In the aforementioned pan , already without oil I dropped a tablespoon of olive oil, heated a little to medium heat and poured on it the mix of eggs, potatoes and onion. After exactly two minutes, having taking care of the borders with a skimmer, I took another pan and putting it on top of the other I turned around the omelette letting it sit on the fire for another two minutes, and it was ready:
Delicious straight or served with mayonnaise!

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